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305 mm (12 in) 3-4 Ton, Pin On
305 mm (12 in) 3-4 Ton, Pin On
Cat® Compaction Wheels for Backhoe Loaders and Mini Excavators provide a low cost option for trench compaction. The wheels feature tapered roller bearings and tampered foot design with static pad rollers, to allow for smooth operation and achieving a high level of compaction. Six to ten passes are usually adequate to achieve compaction in normal soil conditions, dependent on the required compaction levels.
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Compaction Width10.7 in 271 mm
Number of Wheels2
Machine Class3-4 Ton Mini Excavators
Number of Pads16
Weight357.1 lb 162 kg
Overall Length28.6 in 726 mm
Overall Height31.7 in 806 mm
Overall Width12.2 in 309 mm
Interface TypePin On
Used to compact trenches and easily backfill.
Tamper Foot Design with Static Pad Rollers
Static pad rollers are best suitable for compacting cohesive soils and achieving a higher degree of compaction.
Tapered Roller Bearing
Tapered roller bearing provides smooth wheel operation and appropriate tool balance.
Standard Backfill Plate
Backfill plate bolts onto main tool interface to be used in collaboration with wheel, to create smooth trench bottom.
Open Rim Design
Open rim design allows wheel to penetrate through the lift of trench fill and compact soil from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
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