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1829mm (72in)
1829mm (72in)
Log & Lumber forks utilize flat fork tines and a raised back. In the forestry industry, log and lumber forks are used to load, unload, move, deck, sort and feed the mill. Their flat tines and raised back are designed specifically for use in handling both unfinished logs and stacked lumber.
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Tine Length72 in 1829 mm
Width96 in 2428 mm
Height61 in 1537 mm
Maximum Width Over Tine93 in 2366 mm
Minimum Width Over Tine39 in 1002 mm
Tine Width7.1 in 180 mm
Tine Thickness3.5 in 90 mm
Per Tine Maximum Load at Center13889 lb 6300 kg
Weight3085 lb 1399 kg