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2184mm (86in)
2184mm (86in)
Optimized for pole yards, the Millyard Pole Fork features a refined frame profile and a top clamp that closes tighter to the frame. The result is positive, secure clamping of single poles as they are moved through the yard. The curved frame design promotes a rolling action of the logs for smooth loading and unloading.
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Fork Width86 lb/in 2184 mm
Width - Over Tines86 lb/in 2184 mm
Width - Between Tines75 lb/in 1904 mm
Tine Length66 lb/in 1677 mm
Tine Width5.5 lb/in 140 mm
Maximum Clamp Opening115 lb/in 2914 mm
Minimum Clamp Opening13 lb/in 330 mm
End Area1.7 ft² 1.4 m²
Weight4506 lb 2044 kg